relational psychoanalysis, frame, online psychoanalysis, neuroscienceAbstract
From the perspective of relational psychoanalysis, I will approach the frame and the different ways of meeting the patient, trying to investigate the peculiarities that each of them holds. Is it possible to immerse oneself in every way into what is happening here,
now and with me, with the other and between the two of us, in an analytical interaction at a distance?
Relational psychoanalysis and its conceptual extensions and theoretical references offers new insights to observe these phenomena.
In 2020 something different is revealed. The pandemic challenged the classical psychoanalytic frame. The spread of Covid-19 with its confinement and sanitary measures led to the creation of different frames, which are different ways of meeting
the patients. We began to use different online platforms to support, both patients and ourselves, in the face of the irruption of something new and unexpected that comes from outside and that is a threat to face-to-face meetings.
Virtual psychotherapy replaces face-to-face psychotherapy. Questions arise as to how these arrangements can promote or hinder the psychoanalytic process considering the metapsychologies that accompany us.
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