frame, practice, violence, genderAbstract
The frame, as a set of established rules so that the psychoanalytic process can take place, has been debated for a long time. For those who adhere to the idea that nothing has changed either in patients or in society, everything must remain as it was said, at
the risk of not being considered psychoanalytic. For those who follow a tradition of questioning, reviewing and re-elaborating psychoanalytic theories, the changes in the frame have been unavoidable, taking into account the problems of today’s people, their
ways of suffering and the visibility of phenomena such as violence in its many forms.
From the theoretical perspective of psychoanalysis and its articulation with gender studies, I describe my motivation to depart from some psychoanalytic theoretical postulates, saturated with sexist, heteronormative conceptions and blind to the evidence
of the effect that unequal power relations between genders have constructed, which has affected sexual subjectivities. For this reason, I propose to review and question traditional frames, in order to understand and sustain clinical situations that in some
cases exceed the limits of conventional treatments due to their severity or risk.
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